Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our New Sail Boat

Our New Sail Boat

First time roller blading with family

Cousins at Boondocks

Cousins at the pool

Emma, Rayann, and Michele
Lauren and Jarom

cousins at the pool (from left to right) Hyrum, Eden, Dillon, and Lauren at the pool
Eden, Michele, Lauren, Dillon, Savanah, Emma, Jarom, and Mckay at the pool

Cousins in the pool

Lauren and Dillon


MTC mission farewell

MTC Mission farewell
Putting the missionary tag on the missionary


Family and the MTC

My cousin Rayann and I

My cousin Rayann and I at the Temple

Friday, May 22, 2009



Easter Sunday

My sister and I on Easter Sunday

My 12th birthday treasure hunt at the mall

My 12th birthday at the Provo Temple
My 12th birthday treasure hunt at the mall

Dance Competition at Lagoon

Lauren and I with our crowns taking 1st place
Lauren and I dancing our duet

Friend with crowns